Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Acid Groove - Curitiba, Brazil, May 26th

This was our third time in Brazil, this party was organized by Acid Groove, we knew Neto from a long time over msn but this was the first time we met him in person. This party was really well organized, everything on time and everything done in advance, it was really confortable to play for them. This was great too because it was the first time we travelled together with Heterogenesis, a new project which will release an album on Dark Prisma soon in August, called Revoluciones Maquinicas. Neto booked all of our current projects Megalopsy, Frantic Noise, Pragmatix and Heterogenesis, so it was really cool, most of the dark prisma family invading Brazil :).

We stayed only for the weekend, but it was nice in the hotel we met Becoming intense, a very interesting night time project from Belo Horizonte, we also meet Reinaldo from Shwe Dagon again, and we hanged out with Heterogenesis laughing trying to ask for food and drinks in portuguese to the room service people. The day of the party came and we arrived on the morning, Heterogenesis and Pragmatix played around noon, as this was a day party. The deco was ok, and everything was very well organized, the brazil psychedelic crowd is very different than the rest of the scene, here they look more like club people, but there were good vibes and everybody was respectful. We played at night and there was not so many people, but it was ok, the sound was good, and the stage was confortable, so it was basically playing of ourselves, its great to hear your new stuff in a huge soundsystem, always helps to know what to change :). I really enjoyed Sutemis set and Becoming Intense's set, good psychedelic stuff for the dark hours.

We headed back to the party in a van with some of the brazilian artists, laughing and chatting, it was a fun party, the location was really nice, a beatiful place in the middle of the nowehere in Curitiba, it was fun to walk around and see the crazy brazilians dancing :). Thanks a lot neto for inviting us!!! Hope to see you again soon!


Fairy Tales, Costa Rica, April 28th

The party location was a beautiful camping area placed in the high on a hill an hour drive away from downtown San Jose. The city is surrounded by this kind of mountains creating a valley so the party area was very high and had an awesome view of the city. The dense nature there provided a very powerful psychedelic experience by itself. When we arrived there was a light rain falling and dark clouds in the sky, but everyone was calm because they knew the weater was going to change after a couple of hours, and it did! The area was prepared for party events so it had proper installations for the stage, chill out, toilets, also very nice small wooden houses that were available for rent if you wanted some private chill out space.

The sound system in the dance floor was very powerful and clear. The music started very quickly when Dusk started playing his music with very powerful guitar rhythms and industrial influences. Quite nice if you like this crazy trash side of psychedelic trance. Then the DJ set from Kagu started, one of the local DJs, for me was the highlight of the night, very nice trippy psychedelic music and very well mixed. Then i played my live set for 2 hours which I enjoyed quite a lot, by the end the sun was coming up and revealed a very psychedelic moment, with the awesome view of San Jose. I hope i can find some pictures later. Afterwards Piloy came into the stage and played some very nice psychedelic music and kept the crowd moving for some more hours.

Overall the party was an incredible experience, i was totally shocked by the power of nature there. It's a very tropical part of the planet so the temperature is very high during the whole year, making everything grow 10 times more than usual. The trees, the fruit, the bugs, the vibe, everything. Next time I will try to stay a little bit longer and visit some of the natural attractions there like the volcanoes and the beaches. People were also was very warm and nice, i felt at home at all times. Big thanks to the alien freaks there for making this possible, Enrique, Piloy, Kagu, Lilly, Nello, and all the Giney family! It was a great, great experience.

Arvit, Belem do para, Brazil, April 21st


Mayma Festival, Misiones, Argentina 9th/11th April
