Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tour Dates Updated

Tour dates have been updated.

Added and confirmed the party in prague for the 9th of september and the party in germany for the 22nd of september.

We leave for europe on the 3rd/4th of july, so 2 weeks to go!!!.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

First page

hey there everyone :D

this site will be used to keep a record of our travels around the world playing our music. basically we are leaving everything behind to try to make a living with music/art, we have done our homework and we feel ready to at least try to make this dream come true, we are leaving our jobs at IBM, leaving the house that served as our headquarter for 2 years, leaving our fears and doubts behind, we are 22 years old and we have nothing too loose, its time...

stay tuned and see how our minds and hearts change and mutate while we travel

Europe Tour dates

The Megalopsy Europe starts on the 4th of July and will end on September 23rd. z1p will also be playing as Frantic Noise, his solo project, and filter will be playing also as Jangala, his dub project with Pragmatix.

You can read more about us on the Dark Prisma website @ www.darkprisma.com.ar
Here are the tour dates (this may change, stay tuned)

July08/07/06 Electrimoon Productions Party - Aveiro, Portugal (info)
15/07/06 Walk on the River side - Castelo Branco, Portugal (info)
22/07/06 Dark Prisma Label Party - Cacilhas, Portugal
(info soon)29/07/06 Castelo Branco (Portugal)

12/08/06 Summer Festival - Bologna, Italia (info)
18/08/06 Psychedelic Destination - Ruegen Isle, Germany
19/08/06 Funny Moon Festival - Graz, Austria (info)
26/08/06 Return of the Shadows - Winterberg, Germany

September01/09/06 F.U.B.AR - Belgium
08/09/06 Ostrava, Czcech Republic (TBC)09/09/06 Dark Prisma Label Party - Prague, C. Republic (info)

16/09/06 Donnerwetter - Munich, Germany (info)
22/09/06 GOATRIBE - Sauerland, Germany (info)
23/09/06 UFO25 - Berlin, Germany (info soon)

We can also play on Fridays and in the middle of the week, so if anyone is interested please contact us via darkprismarecords@hotmail.com
We are also open to meeting people, artistas, psyfreaks all around europe, so if anyone is interested in hosting a couple of south american freaks, you can contact us over msn, for us going over there is incredible, so we are 100% open to anything that can happen.

MSN Contact:
caquex@hotmail.com > filtermad-dreams@fibertel.com.ar > z1P

stay tuned more info soon!