Psycrowdelica Festival, Germany - 20st July, 2007
Friday Night
The music in the main floor started very quickly after a couple of sound checks and was very good from the beginning and all the way until the end. Friday night was amazing, first some DJ’s started spinning some dark tunes creating the proper atmosphere for the rest of the night. Iguana started his DJ set which from the first track melted away all the minds in the dance floor. Really groovy and playful style that grew in intensity and power during the whole set. Very nice music. Afterwards, Highko started playing a really psychedelic set that also grew in intensity and speed for at least 2 hours. By then I was not sure about time anymore, I was totally caught by the music and surprised by how fast & psychedelic it can be. One of the sets I enjoyed the most. Then Karash started playing his live set which was also very very psychedelic, a good mixture between dark and pumping psytrance with strong alp forest influences. Ankur followed with very strong rhythms representing the fastest and more intense side of psychedelic trance. A very good balance between hard and trippy music I really enjoyed although I was very tired after tripping so many hours. Sometime around 12 in the morning I fell death into a sofa near the golden Buddha and slept like a rock for many hours.
Saturday Night
Saturday night was more Parvati foresty style and also very very psychedelic. Ilse was spinning great psychedelic tracks when we reached the stage, I was still sleepy and confused but I remember some really psychedelic sounds coming out of the speakers. Sometime around 9 we started our live set which we really enjoyed thanks to the mood of the people which was just perfect, it was early and they were hungry for psychedelic beats. Afterwards the serious psychedelic stuff made appearance. The Atriohm brothers started their live set containing some serious psychedelic material, very delicate music with a varied mixture of psychoactive elements. This was for me, the highlight of the party. Encephalopatycis music was also intensively psychedelic, the live as well as the DJ set kept the trippy mood and the crowd dancing all the time. Hokus Pokus was also very intense, he started playing with the first lights of the day and pushed the power a couple of levels up with his Danish style. When the rain started to get stronger, everyone sheltered in the little wooden house in front the stage watching the nature manifest his interpretation of the music, lightings and strong rain. Well, not everyone was sheltered, there were still many freaks dancing shamanically no matter the amount of water that was falling. Very good moment. Then Audioiboia, who was also responsible for some of the decorations, continued to play his set with great psychedelic sounds forcing the rain to ease a little bit. Very nice psychedelic style perfect for this time in the morning. After I played my Frantic Noise set I was followed by the Bombax guys that making good use of their name, bombed the dance floor with their music. After this I couldn’t keep track so much of the music as I was really tired and I ran out of fuel.
To resume, it was a really killer party with all the ingredients a psychedelic gathering has to have, perfect sound, line up, decoration and most important of all, the vibes. It was our first gig in this tour so it was more than a great start. We also had the chance to meet Mouka from Trishula and Ajana Records and his wife, it was great pleasure for us because he is our trance baba who first released some of our music and opened the door s to this world. It was a real pleasure to come to the core of the psychedelic scene in Germany, and to get to know most of you, the real psychedelic freaks. Million thanks for this great experience!
Check out the amazing deco by neil gibson!!!.

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